Jul 14, 2021
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Let’s Welcome the Change

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Smart classrooms were adopted around the turn of the century and have come a long way in adopting technology. The changeover to online classes did happen but they were only a small part of the whole. Most of the teaching and learning depended on the conventional forms of education like the chalk and talk method.  Teachers not only teach but also evolve better in their approaches. Most of the teachers are dynamic in their approaches. They have tried to overcome the monotony of he online classes by making them more interesting and interactive.

We cannot stop technology from entering our domains, because technology most of the times means change for the better. it is this spirit that has paved way for the hybrid classrooms. In the beginning, some problems were faced in terms of lacking readiness to adopt, poor internet connections, unavailability of specific tools and so on. But gradually, things started changing and teachers started using the technological tools in a more energetic way.

Amidst this changing scenario, the Covid-19 pandemic struck a lightening blow to schools, teachers and students. This has been the time, when technology has taken the center-stage. Online classes and virtual teaching occupied the new normal. After two devastating waves of the virus spread, schools in India and in many other countries, educationists are trying to focus better on the integration of technology and conventional methods of learning.

Students have missed school and parents have been a worried lot about the future of their children. What children thought was a short holiday, finally saw them locked indoors. In spite of the pandemic, many school managements have come forward with online classes to complete the syllabi. Examinations were cancelled all over the country and students were promoted to the next level.

Now, after the second wave, and with the fear of a third, the education sector in the country has decided to go online at least for some more time. The focus is now on the hybrid model of learning which facilitates both modes; online and offline ways of teaching and learning. Students as such don’t miss out on physical classes and at the same time continue learning through online classes. The strength of the class is divided and one part attends physical classes and the other takes online classes and swapped later.  Nothing is impossible they say, and it is the same regarding the continuation of education amidst a pandemic. It is through technology that.

As Shakespeare said, “Sweet ae the uses of adversities’, it is time, teachers start looking at technology and its role positively. Though technology is all about tools and systems, yet, the human mind can supplement the human touch. Teachers can come up with online activities, pictorial presentations and activities using search engines.

Enthusiastic companies are coming up with unique packages offering customized apps to school managements to go ahead with the hybrid mode of learning, thus ensuring uninterrupted education courses. No, we are not clueless as there are ways to bridge the gaps that have caught us unawares. Experience has made us wiser and reflects itself in the choices that we make. Every step we take should lead us towards progress and this can happen if we truly develop the readiness to change. As often quoted, “ Nothing is permanent but change” ( Heraclitus) . The one thing that is unstoppable is the human will and so let’s move on with our friendly technologies to scale greater heights and realize our vision.

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